Olivia Pope is
a force to be reckoned with!
From her personal life to her
political adventures, she knows
how to portray the straight
and narrow.
Ambitious, smart, and
successful with a hint of fun,
makes Molly such a great
character, and makes Yaki
Straight the perfect
textured/sleek combo to
represent her!
Annalise has
a super confident and
tough exterior, but knows
when to show her softer side!
Body wave bundles are
multi-faceted and full of
spunk, just like our
fave lawyer!
Lakeisha is
the fun-loving best friend
who gets serious when it's
time to get down to business.
Like loose wave hair,
Lakeisha goes with the
flow but knows how
to switch it up.
Quirky, fun, full of life:
these are all words to
describe the wonderfully weird,
loving, and genius supermom,
Rainbow. Coincidentally,
they're also the perfect
words to describe
this texture!
Empowered, larger than
life and versatile, Cookie's
look is made for a true queen
bee. Deep wave bundles
command just the right
amount of attention!
Sassy and
down-to-earth, Sophia's
dark blonde look
matches her personality
- and she's got enough
slay to go around!
Missandei's journey to
empowered and confident
right-hand to the Queen, is
perfectly accentuated by her
natural and powerful curls. She
definitely gives Khaleesi some
competition as our favorite
female character!